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Run on your local environment#

This page describes how to run the scenario simulator on the developer platform that is set up in the Installation chapter.

Minimum requirements#

  • Developer Platform: TODO
  • In-Vehicle Development Platform 1: TODO
  • Software Tool: TODO
  • Container Image: TODO
  • Data Pipeline: TODO

Run scenario simulator on the developer platform#

  1. Launch scenario simulator.

    rocker --x11 --home --network host --privileged ros2 launch scenario_test_runner scenario:=$HOME/Downloads/sample_data/t4v2.yaml architecture_type:=awf/universe launch_rviz:=true launch_autoware:=false record:=false timeout:=60.0

    ⚠ Please specify the path to your scenario file.


Now you can see...

DEMO Video


  1. This is optional if you do NOT need a vehicle-edge platform.