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Communicating across multiple computers with CycloneDDS#

Configuring CycloneDDS#

Within the ~/cyclonedds.xml file, Interfaces section can be set in various ways to communicate across multiple computers within a network.

Automatically determine the network interface (convenient)#

With this setting, CycloneDDS will automatically determine the most suitable network interface to use.

  <NetworkInterface autodetermine="true" priority="default" multicast="default" />

With this setting, you can manually set the network interface to use.

  <NetworkInterface autodetermine="false" name="enp38s0" priority="default" multicast="default" />


You should replace enp38s0 with the actual network interface name.


ifconfig command can be used to find the network interface name.

Time synchronization#

To ensure that the nodes on different computers are synchronized, you should synchronize the time between the computers.

You can use the chrony to synchronize the time between computers.

Please refer to this post for more information: Multi PC AWSIM + Autoware Tests #3813


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