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[supplement] Use rclcpp::WaitSet#

What is rclcpp::WaitSet#

As explained in call take() method of Subscription object, the take() method is irreversible. Once the take() method is executed, a state of a subscription object changes. Because there is no undo operation against the take() method, the subscription object can not be restored to its previous state. You can use the rclcpp::WaitSet before calling the take() to check the arrival of an incoming message in the subscription queue. The following sample code shows how the wait_set_.wait() tells you that a message has already been received and can be obtained by the take().

      auto wait_result = wait_set_.wait(std::chrono::milliseconds(0));
      if (wait_result.kind() == rclcpp::WaitResultKind::Ready &&
          wait_result.get_wait_set().get_rcl_wait_set().subscriptions[0]) {
            sub_->take(msg, msg_info);
            RCLCPP_INFO(this->get_logger(), "Catch message");
            RCLCPP_INFO(this->get_logger(), "I heard: [%s]",;

A single rclcpp::WaitSet object is able to observe multiple subscription objects. If there are multiple subscriptions for different topics, you can check the arrival of incoming messages per subscription. Algorithms used in the field of autonomous robots requires multiple incoming messages, such as sensor data or actuation state. Using rclcpp::WaitSet for the multiple subscriptions, they are able to check whether or not required messages have arrived without taking any message.

      auto wait_result = wait_set_.wait(std::chrono::milliseconds(0));
      bool received_all_messages = false;
      if (wait_result.kind() == rclcpp::WaitResultKind::Ready) {
        for (auto wait_set_subs : wait_result.get_wait_set().get_rcl_wait_set().subscriptions) {
          if (!wait_set_subs) {
            RCLCPP_INFO_THROTTLE(get_logger(), clock, 5000, "Waiting for data...");
            return {};
        received_all_mesages = true;

In the code above, unless rclcpp::WaitSet is used, it is impossible to verify the arrival of all needed messages without changing state of the subscription objects.

Coding manner#

This section explains how to code using rclcpp::WaitSet with a sample code below.

The following three steps are required to use rclcpp::WaitSet.

1. Declare and initialize WaitSet#

You must first instantiate a rclcpp::WaitSet based object. Below is a snippet from ros2_subscription_examples/waitset_examples/src/timer_listener_triple_async.cpp at main · takam5f2/ros2_subscription_examples.

rclcpp::WaitSet wait_set_;

There are several types of classes similar to the rclcpp::WaitSet. The rclcpp::WaitSet object can be configured during runtime. It is not thread-safe as explained in the API specification of rclcpp::WaitSet The thread-safe classes that are replacements for rclcpp::WaitSet' are provided by therclcpp' package as listed below.

2. Register trigger (Subscription, Timer, and so on) to WaitSet#

You need to register a trigger to the rclcpp::WaitSet based object. The following is a snippet from ros2_subscription_examples/waitset_examples/src/timer_listener_triple_async.cpp at main · takam5f2/ros2_subscription_examples

    subscriptions_array_[0] = create_subscription<std_msgs::msg::String>("chatter", qos, not_executed_callback, subscription_options);
    subscriptions_array_[1] = create_subscription<std_msgs::msg::String>("slower_chatter", qos, not_executed_callback, subscription_options);
    subscriptions_array_[2] = create_subscription<std_msgs::msg::String>("slowest_chatter", qos, not_executed_callback, subscription_options);

    // Add subscription to waitset
    for (auto & subscription : subscriptions_array_) {

In the code above, the add_subscription() method registers the created subscriptions with the wait_set_ object. A rclcpp::WaitSet-based object basically handles objects each of which has a corresponding callback function. Not onlySubscriptionbased objects, but also Timer,ServiceorActionbased objects can be observed by a rclcpp::WaitSet based object. A singlerclcpp::WaitSet object accepts mixture of different types of objects. A sample code for registering timer triggers can be found here.


A trigger can be registered at declaration and initialization as described in wait_set_topics_and_timer.cpp from the examples.

3. Verify WaitSet result#

The data structure of the test result returned from the rclcpp::WaitSet is nested. You can find the WaitSet result by the following 2 steps;

  1. Verify if any trigger has been invoked
  2. Verify if a specified trigger has been triggered

For step 1, here is a sample code taken from ros2_subscription_examples/waitset_examples/src/timer_listener_triple_async.cpp at main · takam5f2/ros2_subscription_examples.

      auto wait_result = wait_set_.wait(std::chrono::milliseconds(0));
      if (wait_result.kind() == rclcpp::WaitResultKind::Ready) {
        RCLCPP_INFO(this->get_logger(), "wait_set tells that some subscription is ready");
      } else {
        RCLCPP_INFO(this->get_logger(), "wait_set tells that any subscription is not ready and return");

In the code above, auto wait_result = wait_set_.wait(std::chrono::milliseconds(0)) tests if a trigger in wait_set_ has been called. The argument to thewait()method is the timeout duration. If it is greater than 0 milliseconds or seconds, this method will wait for a message to be received until the timeout expires. Ifwait_result.kind() == rclcpp::WaitResultKind::Readyistrue, then any trigger has been invoked.

For step 2, here is a sample code taken from ros2_subscription_examples/waitset_examples/src/timer_listener_triple_async.cpp at main · takam5f2/ros2_subscription_examples.

      for (size_t i = 0; i < subscriptions_num; i++) {
        if (wait_result.get_wait_set().get_rcl_wait_set().subscriptions[i]) {
          std_msgs::msg::String msg;
          rclcpp::MessageInfo msg_info;
          if (subscriptions_array_[i]->take(msg, msg_info)) {
            RCLCPP_INFO(this->get_logger(), "Catch message via subscription[%ld]", i);
            RCLCPP_INFO(this->get_logger(), "I heard: [%s]",;

In the code above, wait_result.get_wait_set().get_rcl_wait_set().subscriptions[i] indicates whether each individual trigger has been invoked or not. The result is stored in the subscriptions array. The order in the subscriptions array is the same as the order in which the triggers are registered.