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Localization methods#

Current localization launcher implemented by TIER IV supports multiple localization methods, both pose estimators and twist estimators. tier4_localization_component.launch.xml has two arguments to select which estimators to launch:

  • pose_source : an argument to select pose_estimator, currently supporting ndt (default), yabloc, and eagleye
  • twist_source : an argument to select twist_estimator, currently supporting gyro_odom (default), and eagleye

NDT scan matcher: a LiDAR and pointcloud map based pose estimator (default)#

By default, Autoware launches ndt_scan_matcher for pose estimator. In order to launch this explicitly, you need to specify as follows:

ros2 launch autoware_launch autoware.launch.xml ... pose_source:=ndt ...

Note that currently pose_source is set to NDT as default, so you can skip this argument.

Gyro Odometer: an IMU & wheel odometry based twist estimator (default)#

By default, Autoware launches gyro_odometer for twist estimator. In order to launch this explicitly, you need to specify as follows:

ros2 launch autoware_launch autoware.launch.xml ... twist_source:=gyro_odom ...

Note that currently twist_source is set to Gyro Odometer as default, so you can skip this argument.

YabLoc: a camera and vector map based pose estimator#

You can use YabLoc as a camera-based localization method. For more details on YabLoc, please refer to the README of YabLoc in autoware.universe.

To use YabLoc as a pose_estimator, add pose_source:=yabloc when launching Autoware. By default, the pose_source is set to ndt. By specifying this command-line argument, YabLoc nodes will be automatically launched while the NDT nodes will not be started.

Here is an example of a launch command:

ros2 launch autoware_launch autoware.launch.xml ... pose_source:=yabloc ...

Eagleye: a GNSS & IMU & wheel odometry based pose and twist estimator#

You can use Eagleye as a GNSS & IMU & wheel odometry-based localization method. For more details on Eagleye, please refer to the Eagleye.

Eagleye has a function for position estimation and twist estimation, namely pose_estimator and twist_estimator, respectively. When running Eagleye in twist_estimator mode with other pose_estimator such as ndt_scan_matcher, Eagleye is still helpful since it can improve scan matching by providing accurate twists using GNSS doppler.

You can use Eagleye by specifying the pose_source and twist_source accordingly through command-line arguments.

Example of using Eagleye as the pose twist estimator:

ros2 launch autoware_launch autoware.launch.xml ... pose_source:=eagleye twist_source:=eagleye ...

Example of using Eagleye as the twist estimator:

ros2 launch autoware_launch autoware.launch.xml ... twist_source:=eagleye ...