Sensing component design#
Sensing component is a collection of modules that apply some primitive pre-processing to the raw sensor data.
The sensor input formats are defined in this component.
- Abstraction of data formats to enable usage of sensors from various vendors
- Perform common/primitive sensor data processing required by each component
High-level architecture#
This diagram describes the high-level architecture of the Sensing Component.
Input types#
Sensor Data | Message Type |
Point cloud (LiDARs, depth cameras, etc.) | sensor_msgs/msg/PointCloud2.msg |
Image (RGB, monochrome, depth, etc. cameras) | sensor_msgs/msg/Image.msg |
Radar scan | radar_msgs/msg/RadarScan.msg |
Radar tracks | radar_msgs/msg/RadarTracks.msg |
GNSS-INS position | sensor_msgs/msg/NavSatFix.msg |
GNSS-INS orientation | autoware_sensing_msgs/GnssInsOrientationStamped.msg |
GNSS-INS velocity | geometry_msgs/msg/TwistWithCovarianceStamped.msg |
GNSS-INS acceleration | geometry_msgs/msg/AccelWithCovarianceStamped.msg |
Ultrasonics | sensor_msgs/msg/Range.msg |