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This package is including jsk code. Note that jsk_overlay_utils.cpp and jsk_overlay_utils.hpp are BSD license.


This plugin displays the path, trajectory, and maximum speed.

Inputs / Outputs#


Name Type Description
/input/path autoware_planning_msgs::msg::Path The topic on which to subscribe path
/input/trajectory autoware_planning_msgs::msg::Trajectory The topic on which to subscribe trajectory
/planning/scenario_planning/current_max_velocity tier4_planning_msgs/msg/VelocityLimit The topic on which to publish max velocity


Name Type Description
/planning/mission_planning/checkpoint geometry_msgs/msg/PoseStamped The topic on which to publish checkpoint


Core Parameters#


Name Type Default Value Description
pose_topic_property_ string mission_checkpoint The topic on which to publish checkpoint
std_dev_x_ float 0.5 X standard deviation for checkpoint pose [m]
std_dev_y_ float 0.5 Y standard deviation for checkpoint pose [m]
std_dev_theta_ float M_PI / 12.0 Theta standard deviation for checkpoint pose [rad]
position_z_ float 0.0 Z position for checkpoint pose [m]


Name Type Default Value Description
property_path_view_ bool true Use Path property or not
property_path_width_view_ bool false Use Constant Width or not
property_path_width_ float 2.0 Width of Path property [m]
property_path_alpha_ float 1.0 Alpha of Path property
property_path_color_view_ bool false Use Constant Color or not
property_path_color_ QColor Qt::black Color of Path property
property_velocity_view_ bool true Use Velocity property or not
property_velocity_alpha_ float 1.0 Alpha of Velocity property
property_velocity_scale_ float 0.3 Scale of Velocity property
property_velocity_color_view_ bool false Use Constant Color or not
property_velocity_color_ QColor Qt::black Color of Velocity property
property_vel_max_ float 3.0 Max velocity [m/s]


Name Type Default Value Description
color_scheme_property_ int 0 Color scheme of DrivableArea property
alpha_property_ float 0.2 Alpha of DrivableArea property
draw_under_property_ bool false Draw as background or not


Name Type Default Value Description
property_path_footprint_view_ bool true Use Path Footprint property or not
property_path_footprint_alpha_ float 1.0 Alpha of Path Footprint property
property_path_footprint_color_ QColor Qt::black Color of Path Footprint property
property_vehicle_length_ float 4.77 Vehicle length [m]
property_vehicle_width_ float 1.83 Vehicle width [m]
property_rear_overhang_ float 1.03 Rear overhang [m]


Name Type Default Value Description
property_path_view_ bool true Use Path property or not
property_path_width_ float 2.0 Width of Path property [m]
property_path_alpha_ float 1.0 Alpha of Path property
property_path_color_view_ bool false Use Constant Color or not
property_path_color_ QColor Qt::black Color of Path property
property_velocity_view_ bool true Use Velocity property or not
property_velocity_alpha_ float 1.0 Alpha of Velocity property
property_velocity_scale_ float 0.3 Scale of Velocity property
property_velocity_color_view_ bool false Use Constant Color or not
property_velocity_color_ QColor Qt::black Color of Velocity property
property_velocity_text_view_ bool false View text Velocity
property_velocity_text_scale_ float 0.3 Scale of Velocity property
property_vel_max_ float 3.0 Max velocity [m/s]


Name Type Default Value Description
property_trajectory_footprint_view_ bool true Use Trajectory Footprint property or not
property_trajectory_footprint_alpha_ float 1.0 Alpha of Trajectory Footprint property
property_trajectory_footprint_color_ QColor QColor(230, 230, 50) Color of Trajectory Footprint property
property_vehicle_length_ float 4.77 Vehicle length [m]
property_vehicle_width_ float 1.83 Vehicle width [m]
property_rear_overhang_ float 1.03 Rear overhang [m]
property_trajectory_point_view_ bool false Use Trajectory Point property or not
property_trajectory_point_alpha_ float 1.0 Alpha of Trajectory Point property
property_trajectory_point_color_ QColor QColor(0, 60, 255) Color of Trajectory Point property
property_trajectory_point_radius_ float 0.1 Radius of Trajectory Point property


Name Type Default Value Description
property_topic_name_ string /planning/scenario_planning/current_max_velocity The topic on which to subscribe max velocity
property_text_color_ QColor QColor(255, 255, 255) Text color
property_left_ int 128 Left of the plotter window [px]
property_top_ int 128 Top of the plotter window [px]
property_length_ int 96 Length of the plotter window [px]
property_value_scale_ float 1.0 / 4.0 Value scale


  1. Start rviz and select Add under the Displays panel. select_add
  2. Select any one of the tier4_planning_rviz_plugin and press OK. select_planning_plugin
  3. Enter the name of the topic where you want to view the path or trajectory. select_topic_name

Material Design Icons#

This project uses Material Design Icons by Google. These icons are used under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0.

Material Design Icons are a collection of symbols provided by Google that are used to enhance the user interface of applications, websites, and other digital products.


The Material Design Icons are licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may obtain a copy of the License at:

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


We would like to express our gratitude to Google for making these icons available to the community, helping developers and designers enhance the visual appeal and user experience of their projects.