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Planning Topic Converter#


This package provides tools that convert topic type among types are defined in

Inner-workings / Algorithms#

Usage example#

The tools in this package are provided as composable ROS 2 component nodes, so that they can be spawned into an existing process, launched from launch files, or invoked from the command line.

<load_composable_node target="container_name">
  <composable_node pkg="planning_topic_converter" plugin="autoware::planning_topic_converter::PathToTrajectory" name="path_to_trajectory_converter" namespace="">
  <!-- params -->
  <param name="input_topic" value="foo"/>
  <param name="output_topic" value="bar"/>
  <!-- composable node config -->
  <extra_arg name="use_intra_process_comms" value="false"/>


Name Type Description
input_topic string input topic name.
output_topic string output topic name.

Assumptions / Known limits#

Future extensions / Unimplemented parts#