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Remaining Distance and Time Calculator#


This package aims to provide mission remaining distance and remaining time calculations.

Activation and Timing#

  • The calculations are activated once we have a route planned for a mission in Autoware.
  • The calculations are triggered timely based on the update_rate parameter.
  • The calculations are skipped if the scenario is PARKING, and the remaining time and distance values are set to 0.0.

Module Parameters#

Name Type Default Value Explanation
update_rate double 10.0 Timer callback period. [Hz]


Remaining Distance Calculation#

  • The remaining distance calculation is based on getting the remaining shortest path between the current vehicle pose and goal pose using lanelet2 routing APIs.
  • The remaining distance is calculated by summing the 2D length of remaining shortest path, with exception to current lanelet and goal lanelet.
    • For the current lanelet, the distance is calculated from the current vehicle position to the end of that lanelet.
    • For the goal lanelet, the distance is calculated from the start of the lanelet to the goal pose in this lanelet.
  • When there is only one lanelet remaining, the distance is calculated by getting the 2D distance between the current vehicle pose and goal pose.
  • Checks are added to handle cases when current lanelet, goal lanelet, or routing graph are not valid to prevent node process die.
    • In such cases when, last valid remaining distance and time are maintained.

Remaining Time Calculation#

  • The remaining time currently depends on a simple equation of motion by getting the maximum velocity limit.
  • The remaining distance is calculated by dividing the remaining distance by the maximum velocity limit.
  • A check is added to the remaining time calculation to make sure that maximum velocity limit is greater than zero. This prevents division by zero or getting negative time value.

Future Work#

  • Find a more efficient way for remaining distance calculation instead of regularly searching the graph for finding the remaining shortest path.
  • Engage more sophisticated motion models for more accurate remaining time calculations.