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scenario_selector_node is a node that switches trajectories from each scenario.

Input topics#

Name Type Description
~input/lane_driving/trajectory autoware_planning_msgs::Trajectory trajectory of LaneDriving scenario
~input/parking/trajectory autoware_planning_msgs::Trajectory trajectory of Parking scenario
~input/lanelet_map autoware_map_msgs::msg::LaneletMapBin
~input/route autoware_planning_msgs::LaneletRoute route and goal pose
~input/odometry nav_msgs::Odometry for checking whether vehicle is stopped
is_parking_completed bool (implemented as rosparam) whether all split trajectory of Parking are published

Output topics#

Name Type Description
~output/scenario tier4_planning_msgs::Scenario current scenario and scenarios to be activated
~output/trajectory autoware_planning_msgs::Trajectory trajectory to be followed

Output TFs#


How to launch#

  1. Write your remapping info in scenario_selector.launch or add args when executing roslaunch
  2. roslaunch autoware_scenario_selector scenario_selector.launch
    • If you would like to use only a single scenario, roslaunch autoware_scenario_selector dummy_scenario_selector_{scenario_name}.launch


Name Type Description Default Range
update_rate float timer's update rate 10 ≥0.0
th_max_message_delay_sec float threshold time of input messages' maximum delay 1 ≥0.0
th_arrived_distance_m float threshold distance to check if vehicle has arrived at the trajectory's endpoint 1 ≥0.0
th_stopped_time_sec float threshold time to check if vehicle is stopped 1 ≥0.0
th_stopped_velocity_mps float threshold velocity to check if vehicle is stopped 0.01 ≥0.0
enable_mode_switching boolean enable switching between scenario modes when ego is stuck in parking area 1 N/A


uml diagram

uml diagram