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No Stopping Area#


This module plans to avoid stop in 'no stopping area`.


  • PassThrough case
    • if ego vehicle go through pass judge point, then ego vehicle can't stop with maximum jerk and acceleration, so this module doesn't insert stop velocity. In this case override or external operation is necessary.
  • STOP case
    • If there is a stuck vehicle or stop velocity around no_stopping_area, then vehicle stops inside no_stopping_area so this module makes stop velocity in front of no_stopping_area
  • GO case
    • else


This module allows developers to design vehicle velocity in no_stopping_area module using specific rules. Once ego vehicle go through pass through point, ego vehicle does't insert stop velocity and does't change decision from GO. Also this module only considers dynamic object in order to avoid unnecessarily stop.


Parameter Type Description
state_clear_time double [s] time to clear stop state
stuck_vehicle_vel_thr double [m/s] vehicles below this velocity are considered as stuck vehicle.
stop_margin double [m] margin to stop line at no stopping area
dead_line_margin double [m] if ego pass this position GO
stop_line_margin double [m] margin to auto-gen stop line at no stopping area
detection_area_length double [m] length of searching polygon
stuck_vehicle_front_margin double [m] obstacle stop max distance


uml diagram