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Stop Line#


This module plans velocity so that the vehicle can stop right before stop lines and restart driving after stopped.

stop line

Activation Timing#

This module is activated when there is a stop line in a target lane.

Module Parameters#

Parameter Type Description
stop_margin double a margin that the vehicle tries to stop before stop_line
stop_duration_sec double [s] time parameter for the ego vehicle to stop in front of a stop line
hold_stop_margin_distance double [m] parameter for restart prevention (See Algorithm section). Also, when the ego vehicle is within this distance from a stop line, the ego state becomes STOPPED from APPROACHING
use_initialization_stop_state bool A flag to determine whether to return to the approaching state when the vehicle moves away from a stop line.
show_stop_line_collision_check bool A flag to determine whether to show the debug information of collision check with a stop line

Inner-workings / Algorithms#

  • Gets a stop line from map information.
  • insert a stop point on the path from the stop line defined in the map and the ego vehicle length.
  • Sets velocities of the path after the stop point to 0[m/s].
  • Release the inserted stop velocity when the vehicle stops at the stop point for stop_duration_sec seconds.


uml diagram

This algorithm is based on segment. segment consists of two node points. It's useful for removing boundary conditions because if segment(i) exists we can assume node(i) and node(i+1) exist.


First, this algorithm finds a collision between reference path and stop line. Then, we can get collision segment and collision point.


Next, based on collision point, it finds offset segment by iterating backward points up to a specific offset length. The offset length is stop_margin(parameter) + base_link to front(to adjust head pose to stop line). Then, we can get offset segment and offset from segment start.


After that, we can calculate a offset point from offset segment and offset. This will be stop_pose.


Restart prevention#

If it needs X meters (e.g. 0.5 meters) to stop once the vehicle starts moving due to the poor vehicle control performance, the vehicle goes over the stopping position that should be strictly observed when the vehicle starts to moving in order to approach the near stop point (e.g. 0.3 meters away).

This module has parameter hold_stop_margin_distance in order to prevent from these redundant restart. If the vehicle is stopped within hold_stop_margin_distance meters from stop point of the module (_front_to_stop_line < hold_stop_margin_distance), the module judges that the vehicle has already stopped for the module's stop point and plans to keep stopping current position even if the vehicle is stopped due to other factors.




outside the hold_stop_margin_distance


inside the hold_stop_margin_distance