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A template for behavior velocity modules based on the autoware_behavior_velocity_speed_bump_module.

Autoware Behavior Velocity Module Template#


TemplateModule Class#

The TemplateModule class serves as a foundation for creating a scene module within the Autoware behavior velocity planner. It defines the core methods and functionality needed for the module's behavior. You should replace the placeholder code with actual implementations tailored to your specific behavior velocity module.


  • The constructor for TemplateModule takes the essential parameters to create a module: const int64_t module_id, const rclcpp::Logger & logger, and const rclcpp::Clock::SharedPtr clock. These parameters are supplied by the TemplateModuleManager when registering a new module. Other parameters can be added to the constructor, if required by your specific module implementation.

modifyPathVelocity Method#

  • This method, defined in the TemplateModule class, is expected to modify the velocity of the input path based on certain conditions. In the provided code, it logs an informational message once when the template module is executing.
  • The specific logic for velocity modification should be implemented in this method based on the module's requirements.

createDebugMarkerArray Method#

  • This method, also defined in the TemplateModule class, is responsible for creating a visualization of debug markers and returning them as a visualization_msgs::msg::MarkerArray. In the provided code, it returns an empty MarkerArray.
  • You should implement the logic to generate debug markers specific to your module's functionality.

createVirtualWalls Method#

  • The createVirtualWalls method creates virtual walls for the scene and returns them as autoware::motion_utils::VirtualWalls. In the provided code, it returns an empty VirtualWalls object.
  • You should implement the logic to create virtual walls based on your module's requirements.


The managing of your modules is defined in manager.hpp and manager.cpp. The managing is handled by two classes:

  • The TemplateModuleManager class defines the core logic for managing and launching the behavior_velocity_template scenes (defined in behavior_velocity_template_module/src/scene.cpp/hpp). It inherits essential manager attributes from its parent class SceneModuleManagerInterface.
  • The TemplateModulePlugin class provides a way to integrate the TemplateModuleManager into the logic of the Behavior Velocity Planner.

TemplateModuleManager Class#

Constructor TemplateModuleManager#

  • This is the constructor of the TemplateModuleManager class, and it takes an rclcpp::Node reference as a parameter.
  • It initializes a member variable dummy_parameter_ to 0.0.

getModuleName() Method#

  • This method is an override of a virtual method from the SceneModuleManagerInterface class.
  • It returns a pointer to a constant character string, which is the name of the module. In this case, it returns "template" as the module name.

launchNewModules() Method#

  • This is a private method that takes an argument of type autoware_internal_planning_msgs::msg::PathWithLaneId.
  • It is responsible for launching new modules based on the provided path information (PathWithLaneId). The implementation of this method involves initializing and configuring modules specific to your behavior velocity planner by using the TemplateModule class.
  • In the provided source code, it initializes a module_id to 0 and checks if a module with the same ID is already registered. If not, it registers a new TemplateModule with the module ID. Note that each module managed by the TemplateModuleManager should have a unique ID. The template code registers a single module, so the module_id is set as 0 for simplicity.

getModuleExpiredFunction() Method#

  • This is a private method that takes an argument of type autoware_internal_planning_msgs::msg::PathWithLaneId.
  • It returns a std::function<bool(const std::shared_ptr<SceneModuleInterface>&)>. This function is used by the behavior velocity planner to determine whether a particular module has expired or not based on the given path.
  • The implementation of this method is expected to return a function that can be used to check the expiration status of modules.

Please note that the specific functionality of the methods launchNewModules() and getModuleExpiredFunction() would depend on the details of your behavior velocity modules and how they are intended to be managed within the Autoware system. You would need to implement these methods according to your module's requirements.

TemplateModulePlugin Class#

TemplateModulePlugin Class#

  • This class inherits from PluginWrapper<TemplateModuleManager>. It essentially wraps your TemplateModuleManager class within a plugin, which can be loaded and managed dynamically.

Example Usage#

In the following example, we take each point of the path, and multiply it by 2. Essentially duplicating the speed. Note that the velocity smoother will further modify the path speed after all the behavior velocity modules are executed.

bool TemplateModule::modifyPathVelocity(
  [[maybe_unused]] PathWithLaneId * path, [[maybe_unused]] StopReason * stop_reason)
  for (auto & p : path->points) {
    p.point.longitudinal_velocity_mps *= 2.0;

  return false;