Remove noise from radar return by threshold.
- Amplitude filter: Low amplitude consider noise
- FOV filter: Pointcloud from radar's FOV edge occur perturbation
- Range filter: Too near pointcloud often occur noise
Calculation cost is O(n). n
is the number of radar return.
Input topics#
Name | Type | Description |
input/radar | radar_msgs/msg/RadarScan.msg | Radar pointcloud data |
Output topics#
Name | Type | Description |
output/radar | radar_msgs/msg/RadarScan.msg | Filtered radar pointcloud |
- For node parameter
Name | Type | Description |
is_amplitude_filter | bool | if this parameter is true, apply amplitude filter (publish amplitude_min < amplitude < amplitude_max) |
amplitude_min | double | [dBm^2] |
amplitude_max | double | [dBm^2] |
is_range_filter | bool | if this parameter is true, apply range filter (publish range_min < range < range_max) |
range_min | double | [m] |
range_max | double | [m] |
is_azimuth_filter | bool | if this parameter is true, apply angle filter (publish azimuth_min < range < azimuth_max) |
azimuth_min | double | [rad] |
azimuth_max | double | [rad] |
is_z_filter | bool | if this parameter is true, apply z position filter (publish z_min < z < z_max) |
z_min | double | [m] |
z_max | double | [m] |
How to launch#
ros2 launch autoware_radar_threshold_filter radar_threshold_filter.launch.xml