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Elastic band#


Elastic band smooths the input path. Since the latter optimization (model predictive trajectory) is calculated on the frenet frame, path smoothing is applied here so that the latter optimization will be stable.

Note that this smoothing process does not consider collision checking. Therefore the output path may have a collision with road boundaries or obstacles.


uml diagram

General parameters#

Parameter Type Description
eb.common.num_points int points for elastic band optimization
eb.common.delta_arc_length double delta arc length for elastic band optimization

Parameters for optimization#

Parameter Type Description
eb.option.enable_warm_start bool flag to use warm start
eb.weight.smooth_weight double weight for smoothing
eb.weight.lat_error_weight double weight for minimizing the lateral error

Parameters for validation#

Parameter Type Description
eb.option.enable_optimization_validation bool flag to validate optimization
eb.validation.max_error double max lateral error by optimization


Objective function#

We formulate a quadratic problem minimizing the diagonal length of the rhombus on each point generated by the current point and its previous and next points, shown as the red vector's length.


Assuming that k'th point is \boldsymbolpk=(xk,yk), the objective function is as follows.

 J=mink=1n2||(\boldsymbolpk+1\boldsymbolpk)(\boldsymbolpk\boldsymbolpk1)||2 =mink=1n2||\boldsymbolpk+12\boldsymbolpk+\boldsymbolpk1||2 =mink=1n2{(xk+1xk+xk1)2+(yk+1yk+yk1)2} =min( x0 x1 x2 xn3 xn2 xn1 y0 y1 y2 yn3 yn2 yn1)T(1210254101464101464014641145212112102541014641014640146411452121)( x0 x1 x2 xn3 xn2 xn1 y0 y1 y2 yn3 yn2 yn1)


The distance that each point can move is limited so that the path will not changed a lot but will be smoother. In detail, the longitudinal distance that each point can move is zero, and the lateral distance is parameterized as eb.clearance.clearance_for_fix, eb.clearance.clearance_for_joint and eb.clearance.clearance_for_smooth.

The following figure describes how to constrain the lateral distance to move. The red line is where the point can move. The points for the upper and lower bound are described as (xku,yku) and (xkl,ykl), respectively.


Based on the line equation whose slope angle is θk and that passes through (xk,yk), (xku,yku) and (xkl,ykl), the lateral constraint is formulated as follows.


In addition, the beginning point is fixed and the end point as well if the end point is considered as the goal. This constraint can be applied with the upper equation by changing the distance that each point can move.


  • EB Fixed Trajectory
    • The fixed trajectory points as a constraint of elastic band.


  • EB Trajectory
    • The optimized trajectory points by elastic band.
