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Obstacle Stop Planner#


obstacle_stop_planner has following modules

  • Obstacle Stop Planner
    • inserts a stop point in trajectory when there is a static point cloud on the trajectory.
  • Slow Down Planner
    • inserts a deceleration section in trajectory when there is a point cloud near the trajectory.
  • Adaptive Cruise Controller (ACC)
    • embeds target velocity in trajectory when there is a dynamic point cloud on the trajectory.

Input topics#

Name Type Description
~/input/pointcloud sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 obstacle pointcloud
~/input/trajectory autoware_planning_msgs::Trajectory trajectory
~/input/vector_map autoware_map_msgs::msg::LaneletMapBin vector map
~/input/odometry nav_msgs::Odometry vehicle velocity
~/input/dynamic_objects autoware_perception_msgs::PredictedObjects dynamic objects
~/input/expand_stop_range tier4_planning_msgs::msg::ExpandStopRange expand stop range

Output topics#

Name Type Description
~output/trajectory autoware_planning_msgs::Trajectory trajectory to be followed
~output/stop_reasons tier4_planning_msgs::StopReasonArray reasons that cause the vehicle to stop

Common Parameter#

Name Type Description Default Range
max_vel float max velocity limit [m/s] 11.1 N/A
normal.min_acc float min deceleration [m/ss] -0.5 N/A
normal.max_acc float max acceleration [m/ss] 1 N/A
normal.min_jerk float min jerk [m/sss] -0.5 N/A
normal.max_jerk float max jerk [m/sss] 1 N/A
limit.min_acc float min deceleration limit [m/ss] -2.5 N/A
limit.max_acc float max acceleration [m/ss] 1 N/A
limit.min_jerk float min jerk [m/sss] -1.5 N/A
limit.max_jerk float max jerk [m/sss] 1.5 N/A
Parameter Type Description
enable_slow_down bool enable slow down planner [-]
max_velocity double max velocity [m/s]
chattering_threshold double even if the obstacle disappears, the stop judgment continues for chattering_threshold [s]
enable_z_axis_obstacle_filtering bool filter obstacles in z axis (height) [-]
z_axis_filtering_buffer double additional buffer for z axis filtering [m]
use_predicted_objects bool whether to use predicted objects for collision and slowdown detection [-]
predicted_object_filtering_threshold double threshold for filtering predicted objects [valid only publish_obstacle_polygon true] [m]
publish_obstacle_polygon bool if use_predicted_objects is true, node publishes collision polygon [-]

Obstacle Stop Planner#


This module inserts the stop point before the obstacle with margin. In nominal case, the margin is the sum of baselink_to_front and max_longitudinal_margin. The baselink_to_front means the distance between baselink( center of rear-wheel axis) and front of the car. The detection area is generated along the processed trajectory as following figure. (This module cut off the input trajectory behind the ego position and decimates the trajectory points for reducing computational costs.)


parameters for obstacle stop planner


target for obstacle stop planner

If another stop point has already been inserted by other modules within max_longitudinal_margin, the margin is the sum of baselink_to_front and min_longitudinal_margin. This feature exists to avoid stopping unnaturally position. (For example, the ego stops unnaturally far away from stop line of crosswalk that pedestrians cross to without this feature.)


minimum longitudinal margin

The module searches the obstacle pointcloud within detection area. When the pointcloud is found, Adaptive Cruise Controller modules starts to work. only when Adaptive Cruise Controller modules does not insert target velocity, the stop point is inserted to the trajectory. The stop point means the point with 0 velocity.

Restart prevention#

If it needs X meters (e.g. 0.5 meters) to stop once the vehicle starts moving due to the poor vehicle control performance, the vehicle goes over the stopping position that should be strictly observed when the vehicle starts to moving in order to approach the near stop point (e.g. 0.3 meters away).

This module has parameter hold_stop_margin_distance in order to prevent from these redundant restart. If the vehicle is stopped within hold_stop_margin_distance meters from stop point of the module, the module judges that the vehicle has already stopped for the module's stop point and plans to keep stopping current position even if the vehicle is stopped due to other factors.




outside the hold_stop_margin_distance


inside the hold_stop_margin_distance


Name Type Description Default Range
chattering_threshold float even if the obstacle disappears, the stop judgment continues for chattering_threshold [s] 0.5 N/A
lowpass_gain float gain parameter for low pass filter [-] 0.9 N/A
max_velocity float max velocity [m/s] 20.0 N/A
enable_slow_down boolean whether to use slow down planner [-] false N/A
enable_z_axis_obstacle_filtering boolean filter obstacles in z axis (height) [-] true N/A
z_axis_filtering_buffer float additional buffer for z axis filtering [m] 0.0 N/A
voxel_grid_x float voxel grid x parameter for filtering pointcloud [m] 0.05 N/A
voxel_grid_y float voxel grid y parameter for filtering pointcloud [m] 0.05 N/A
voxel_grid_z float voxel grid z parameter for filtering pointcloud [m] 100000.0 N/A
use_predicted_objects boolean whether to use predicted objects [-] false N/A
publish_obstacle_polygon boolean whether to publish obstacle polygon [-] false N/A
predicted_object_filtering_threshold float threshold for filtering predicted objects (valid only publish_obstacle_polygon true) [m] 1.5 N/A
stop_position.max_longitudinal_margin float stop margin distance from obstacle on the path [m] 5.0 N/A
stop_position.max_longitudinal_margin_behind_goal float stop margin distance from obstacle behind the goal on the path [m] 3.0 N/A
stop_position.min_longitudinal_margin float stop margin distance when any other stop point is inserted in stop margin [m] 2.0 N/A
stop_position.hold_stop_margin_distance float the ego keeps stopping if the ego is in this margin [m] 0.0 N/A
detection_area.lateral_margin float margin [m] 0.0 N/A
detection_area.vehicle_lateral_margin float margin of vehicle footprint [m] 0.0 N/A
detection_area.pedestrian_lateral_margin float margin of pedestrian footprint [m] 0.0 N/A
detection_area.unknown_lateral_margin float margin of unknown footprint [m] 0.0 N/A
detection_area.step_length float step length for pointcloud search range [m] 1.0 N/A
detection_area.enable_stop_behind_goal_for_obstacle boolean enable extend trajectory after goal lane for obstacle detection true N/A
slow_down_section.longitudinal_forward_margin float margin distance from slow down point to vehicle front [m] 5.0 N/A
slow_down_section.longitudinal_backward_margin float margin distance from slow down point to vehicle rear [m] 5.0 N/A
slow_down_section.longitudinal_margin_span float fineness param for relaxing slow down margin (use this param if consider_constraints is True) [m/s] -0.1 N/A
slow_down_section.min_longitudinal_forward_margin float min margin for relaxing slow down margin (use this param if consider_constraints is True) [m/s] 1.0 N/A
detection_area.lateral_margin float offset from vehicle side edge for expanding the search area of the surrounding point cloud [m] 1.0 N/A
detection_area.vehicle_lateral_margin float offset from vehicle side edge for expanding the search area of the surrounding point cloud [m] 1.0 N/A
detection_area.pedestrian_lateral_margin float offset from pedestrian side edge for expanding the search area of the surrounding point cloud [m] 1.0 N/A
detection_area.unknown_lateral_margin float offset from unknown side edge for expanding the search area of the surrounding point cloud [m] 1.0 N/A
target_velocity.max_slow_down_velocity float max slow down velocity (use this param if consider_constraints is False)[m/s] 1.38 N/A
target_velocity.min_slow_down_velocity float offset from vehicle side edge for expanding the search area of the surrounding point cloud [m] 0.28 N/A
target_velocity.slow_down_velocity float target slow down velocity (use this param if consider_constraints is True)[m/s] 1.38 N/A
constraints.jerk_min_slow_down float min slow down jerk constraint [m/sss] -0.3 N/A
constraints.jerk_span float fineness param for planning deceleration jerk [m/sss] -0.01 N/A
constraints.jerk_start float init jerk used for deceleration planning [m/sss] -0.1 N/A
slow_down_planner.consider_constraints boolean set 'True', if no decel plan found under jerk/dec constrains, relax target slow down vel [-] false N/A
slow_down_planner.velocity_threshold_decel_complete float use for judge whether the ego velocity converges the target slow down velocity [m/s] 0.2 N/A
slow_down_planner.acceleration_threshold_decel_complete float use for judge whether the ego velocity converges the target slow down velocity [m/ss] 0.1 N/A

Stop position#

Parameter Type Description
max_longitudinal_margin double margin between obstacle and the ego's front [m]
max_longitudinal_margin_behind_goal double margin between obstacle and the ego's front when the stop point is behind the goal[m]
min_longitudinal_margin double if any obstacle exists within max_longitudinal_margin, this module set margin as the value of stop margin to min_longitudinal_margin [m]
hold_stop_margin_distance double parameter for restart prevention (See above section) [m]

Obstacle detection area#

Parameter Type Description
lateral_margin double lateral margin from the vehicle footprint for collision obstacle detection area [m]
step_length double step length for pointcloud search range [m]
enable_stop_behind_goal_for_obstacle bool enabling extend trajectory after goal lane for obstacle detection


uml diagram

Slow Down Planner#


This module inserts the slow down section before the obstacle with forward margin and backward margin. The forward margin is the sum of baselink_to_front and longitudinal_forward_margin, and the backward margin is the sum of baselink_to_front and longitudinal_backward_margin. The ego keeps slow down velocity in slow down section. The velocity is calculated the following equation.


  • vtarget : slow down target velocity [m/s]
  • vmin : min_slow_down_velocity [m/s]
  • vmax : max_slow_down_velocity [m/s]
  • lld : lateral deviation between the obstacle and the ego footprint [m]
  • lmargin : lateral_margin [m]
  • lvw : width of the ego footprint [m]

The above equation means that the smaller the lateral deviation of the pointcloud, the lower the velocity of the slow down section.


parameters for slow down planner


target for slow down planner


Name Type Description Default Range
adaptive_cruise_control.use_object_to_estimate_vel boolean use tracking objects for estimating object velocity or not true N/A
adaptive_cruise_control.use_pcl_to_estimate_vel boolean use pcl for estimating object velocity or not true N/A
adaptive_cruise_control.consider_obj_velocity boolean consider forward vehicle velocity to ACC or not true N/A
adaptive_cruise_control.obstacle_velocity_thresh_to_start_acc float start adaptive cruise control when the velocity of the forward obstacle exceeds this value [m/s] 1.5 N/A
adaptive_cruise_control.obstacle_velocity_thresh_to_stop_acc float stop adaptive cruise control when the velocity of the forward obstacle falls below this value [m/s] 1.0 N/A
adaptive_cruise_control.emergency_stop_acceleration float supposed minimum acceleration (deceleration) in emergency stop [m/ss] -5.0 N/A
adaptive_cruise_control.emergency_stop_idling_time float supposed idling time to start emergency stop [s] 0.5 N/A
adaptive_cruise_control.min_dist_stop float minimum distance of emergency stop [m] 4.0 N/A
adaptive_cruise_control.obstacle_emergency_stop_acceleration float supposed minimum acceleration (deceleration) in emergency stop [m/ss] -5.0 N/A
adaptive_cruise_control.max_standard_acceleration float supposed maximum acceleration in active cruise control [m/ss] 0.5 N/A
adaptive_cruise_control.min_standard_acceleration float supposed minimum acceleration (deceleration) in active cruise control -1.0 N/A
adaptive_cruise_control.standard_idling_time float supposed idling time to react object in active cruise control [s] 0.5 N/A
adaptive_cruise_control.min_dist_standard float minimum distance in active cruise control [m] 4.0 N/A
adaptive_cruise_control.obstacle_min_standard_acceleration float supposed minimum acceleration of forward obstacle [m/ss] -1.5 N/A
adaptive_cruise_control.margin_rate_to_change_vel float margin to insert upper velocity [-] 0.3 N/A
adaptive_cruise_control.use_time_compensation_to_calc_distance boolean use time-compensation to calculate distance to forward vehicle true N/A
adaptive_cruise_control.p_coefficient_positive float coefficient P in PID control (used when target dist -current_dist >=0) [-] 0.1 N/A
adaptive_cruise_control.p_coefficient_negative float coefficient P in PID control (used when target dist -current_dist <0) [-] 0.3 N/A
adaptive_cruise_control.d_coefficient_positive float coefficient D in PID control (used when delta_dist >=0) [-] 0.0 N/A
adaptive_cruise_control.d_coefficient_negative float coefficient D in PID control (used when delta_dist <0) [-] 0.2 N/A
adaptive_cruise_control.object_polygon_length_margin float The distance to extend the polygon length the object in pointcloud-object matching [m] 2.0 N/A
adaptive_cruise_control.object_polygon_width_margin float The distance to extend the polygon width the object in pointcloud-object matching [m] 0.5 N/A
adaptive_cruise_control.valid_estimated_vel_diff_time float Maximum time difference treated as continuous points in speed estimation using a point cloud [s] 1.0 N/A
adaptive_cruise_control.valid_vel_que_time float Time width of information used for speed estimation in speed estimation using a point cloud [s] 0.5 N/A
adaptive_cruise_control.valid_estimated_vel_max float Maximum value of valid speed estimation results in speed estimation using a point cloud [m/s] 20.0 N/A
adaptive_cruise_control.valid_estimated_vel_min float Minimum value of valid speed estimation results in speed estimation using a point cloud [m/s] -20.0 N/A
adaptive_cruise_control.thresh_vel_to_stop float Embed a stop line if the maximum speed calculated by ACC is lower than this speed [m/s] 1.5 N/A
adaptive_cruise_control.lowpass_gain_of_upper_velocity float Lowpass-gain of upper velocity 0.75 N/A
adaptive_cruise_control.use_rough_velocity_estimation boolean Use rough estimated velocity if the velocity estimation is failed (#### If this parameter is true, the vehicle may collide with the front car. Be careful. ####) false N/A
adaptive_cruise_control.rough_velocity_rate float In the rough velocity estimation, the velocity of front car is estimated as self current velocity * this value 0.9 N/A

Slow down section#

Parameter Type Description
longitudinal_forward_margin double margin between obstacle and the ego's front [m]
longitudinal_backward_margin double margin between obstacle and the ego's rear [m]

Obstacle detection area#

Parameter Type Description
lateral_margin double lateral margin from the vehicle footprint for slow down obstacle detection area [m]

Slow down target velocity#

Parameter Type Description
max_slow_down_velocity double max slow down velocity [m/s]
min_slow_down_velocity double min slow down velocity [m/s]


uml diagram

Adaptive Cruise Controller#


Adaptive Cruise Controller module embeds maximum velocity in trajectory when there is a dynamic point cloud on the trajectory. The value of maximum velocity depends on the own velocity, the velocity of the point cloud ( = velocity of the front car), and the distance to the point cloud (= distance to the front car).

Parameter Type Description
adaptive_cruise_control.use_object_to_estimate_vel bool use dynamic objects for estimating object velocity or not (valid only if osp.use_predicted_objects false)
adaptive_cruise_control.use_pcl_to_estimate_vel bool use raw pointclouds for estimating object velocity or not (valid only if osp.use_predicted_objects false)
adaptive_cruise_control.consider_obj_velocity bool consider forward vehicle velocity to calculate target velocity in adaptive cruise or not
adaptive_cruise_control.obstacle_velocity_thresh_to_start_acc double start adaptive cruise control when the velocity of the forward obstacle exceeds this value [m/s]
adaptive_cruise_control.obstacle_velocity_thresh_to_stop_acc double stop acc when the velocity of the forward obstacle falls below this value [m/s]
adaptive_cruise_control.emergency_stop_acceleration double supposed minimum acceleration (deceleration) in emergency stop [m/ss]
adaptive_cruise_control.emergency_stop_idling_time double supposed idling time to start emergency stop [s]
adaptive_cruise_control.min_dist_stop double minimum distance of emergency stop [m]
adaptive_cruise_control.obstacle_emergency_stop_acceleration double supposed minimum acceleration (deceleration) in emergency stop [m/ss]
adaptive_cruise_control.max_standard_acceleration double supposed maximum acceleration in active cruise control [m/ss]
adaptive_cruise_control.min_standard_acceleration double supposed minimum acceleration (deceleration) in active cruise control [m/ss]
adaptive_cruise_control.standard_idling_time double supposed idling time to react object in active cruise control [s]
adaptive_cruise_control.min_dist_standard double minimum distance in active cruise control [m]
adaptive_cruise_control.obstacle_min_standard_acceleration double supposed minimum acceleration of forward obstacle [m/ss]
adaptive_cruise_control.margin_rate_to_change_vel double rate of margin distance to insert target velocity [-]
adaptive_cruise_control.use_time_compensation_to_calc_distance bool use time-compensation to calculate distance to forward vehicle
adaptive_cruise_control.p_coefficient_positive double coefficient P in PID control (used when target dist -current_dist >=0) [-]
adaptive_cruise_control.p_coefficient_negative double coefficient P in PID control (used when target dist -current_dist <0) [-]
adaptive_cruise_control.d_coefficient_positive double coefficient D in PID control (used when delta_dist >=0) [-]
adaptive_cruise_control.d_coefficient_negative double coefficient D in PID control (used when delta_dist <0) [-]
adaptive_cruise_control.object_polygon_length_margin double The distance to extend the polygon length the object in pointcloud-object matching [m]
adaptive_cruise_control.object_polygon_width_margin double The distance to extend the polygon width the object in pointcloud-object matching [m]
adaptive_cruise_control.valid_estimated_vel_diff_time double Maximum time difference treated as continuous points in speed estimation using a point cloud [s]
adaptive_cruise_control.valid_vel_que_time double Time width of information used for speed estimation in speed estimation using a point cloud [s]
adaptive_cruise_control.valid_estimated_vel_max double Maximum value of valid speed estimation results in speed estimation using a point cloud [m/s]
adaptive_cruise_control.valid_estimated_vel_min double Minimum value of valid speed estimation results in speed estimation using a point cloud [m/s]
adaptive_cruise_control.thresh_vel_to_stop double Embed a stop line if the maximum speed calculated by ACC is lower than this speed [m/s]
adaptive_cruise_control.lowpass_gain_of_upper_velocity double Lowpass-gain of target velocity
adaptive_cruise_control.use_rough_velocity_estimation: bool Use rough estimated velocity if the velocity estimation is failed (valid only if osp.use_predicted_objects false)
adaptive_cruise_control.rough_velocity_rate double In the rough velocity estimation, the velocity of front car is estimated as self current velocity * this value


uml diagram

(*1) The target vehicle point is calculated as a closest obstacle PointCloud from ego along the trajectory.

(*2) The sources of velocity estimation can be changed by the following ROS parameters.

  • adaptive_cruise_control.use_object_to_estimate_vel
  • adaptive_cruise_control.use_pcl_to_estimate_vel

This module works only when the target point is found in the detection area of the Obstacle stop planner module.

The first process of this module is to estimate the velocity of the target vehicle point. The velocity estimation uses the velocity information of dynamic objects or the travel distance of the target vehicle point from the previous step. The dynamic object information is primal, and the travel distance estimation is used as a backup in case of the perception failure. If the target vehicle point is contained in the bounding box of a dynamic object geometrically, the velocity of the dynamic object is used as the target point velocity. Otherwise, the target point velocity is calculated by the travel distance of the target point from the previous step; that is (current_position - previous_position) / dt. Note that this travel distance based estimation fails when the target point is detected in the first time (it mainly happens in the cut-in situation). To improve the stability of the estimation, the median of the calculation result for several steps is used.

If the calculated velocity is within the threshold range, it is used as the target point velocity.

Only when the estimation is succeeded and the estimated velocity exceeds the value of obstacle_stop_velocity_thresh_*, the distance to the pointcloud from self-position is calculated. For prevent chattering in the mode transition, obstacle_velocity_thresh_to_start_acc is used for the threshold to start adaptive cruise, and obstacle_velocity_thresh_to_stop_acc is used for the threshold to stop adaptive cruise. When the calculated distance value exceeds the emergency distance d_emergency calculated by emergency_stop parameters, target velocity to insert is calculated.

The emergency distance d_emergency is calculated as follows.


  • dmarginemergency is a minimum margin to the obstacle pointcloud. The value of dmarginemergency depends on the parameter min_dist_stop
  • tidlingemergency is a supposed idling time. The value of tidlingemergency depends on the parameter emergency_stop_idling_time
  • vego is a current velocity of own vehicle
  • aegoemergency is a minimum acceleration (maximum deceleration) of own vehicle. The value of aegoemergency depends on the parameter emergency_stop_acceleration
  • vobj is a current velocity of obstacle pointcloud.
  • aobjemergency is a supposed minimum acceleration of obstacle pointcloud. The value of aobjemergency depends on the parameter obstacle_emergency_stop_acceleration
  • *Above Xemergency parameters are used only in emergency situation.

The target velocity is determined to keep the distance to the obstacle pointcloud from own vehicle at the standard distance d_standard calculated as following. Therefore, if the distance to the obstacle pointcloud is longer than standard distance, The target velocity becomes higher than the current velocity, and vice versa. For keeping the distance, a PID controller is used.


  • dmarginstandard is a minimum margin to the obstacle pointcloud. The value of dmarginstandard depends on the parameter min_dist_stop
  • tidlingstandard is a supposed idling time. The value of tidlingstandard depends on the parameter standard_stop_idling_time
  • vego is a current velocity of own vehicle
  • aegostandard is a minimum acceleration (maximum deceleration) of own vehicle. The value of aegostandard depends on the parameter min_standard_acceleration
  • vobj is a current velocity of obstacle pointcloud.
  • aobjstandard is a supposed minimum acceleration of obstacle pointcloud. The value of aobjstandard depends on the parameter obstacle_min_standard_acceleration
  • *Above Xstandard parameters are used only in non-emergency situation.


If the target velocity exceeds the value of thresh_vel_to_stop, the target velocity is embedded in the trajectory.

Known Limits#

  • It is strongly depends on velocity planning module whether or not it moves according to the target speed embedded by Adaptive Cruise Controller module. If the velocity planning module is updated, please take care of the vehicle's behavior as much as possible and always be ready for overriding.
  • The velocity estimation algorithm in Adaptive Cruise Controller is depend on object tracking module. Please note that if the object-tracking fails or the tracking result is incorrect, it the possibility that the vehicle behaves dangerously.
  • It does not work for backward driving, but publishes the path of the input as it is. Please use obstacle_cruise_planner if you want to stop against an obstacle when backward driving.