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Tracking Object Merger#


This package try to merge two tracking objects from different sensor.

Inner-workings / Algorithms#

Merging tracking objects from different sensor is a combination of data association and state fusion algorithms.

Detailed process depends on the merger policy.


In decorative_tracker_merger, we assume there are dominant tracking objects and sub tracking objects. The name decorative means that sub tracking objects are used to complement the main objects.

Usually the dominant tracking objects are from LiDAR and sub tracking objects are from Radar or Camera.

Here show the processing pipeline.


time sync#

Sub object(Radar or Camera) often has higher frequency than dominant object(LiDAR). So we need to sync the time of sub object to dominant object.

time sync

data association#

In the data association, we use the following rules to determine whether two tracking objects are the same object.

  • gating
    • distance gate: distance between two tracking objects
    • angle gate: angle between two tracking objects
    • mahalanobis_distance_gate: Mahalanobis distance between two tracking objects
    • min_iou_gate: minimum IoU between two tracking objects
    • max_velocity_gate: maximum velocity difference between two tracking objects
  • score
    • score used in matching is equivalent to the distance between two tracking objects

tracklet update#

Sub tracking objects are merged into dominant tracking objects.

Depends on the tracklet input sensor state, we update the tracklet state with different rules.

state\priority 1st 2nd 3rd
Kinematics except velocity LiDAR Radar Camera
Forward velocity Radar LiDAR Camera
Object classification Camera LiDAR Radar

tracklet management#

We use the existence_probability to manage tracklet.

  • When we create a new tracklet, we set the existence_probability to psensor value.
  • In each update with specific sensor, we set the existence_probability to psensor value.
  • When tracklet does not have update with specific sensor, we reduce the existence_probability by decay_rate
  • Object can be published if existence_probability is larger than publish_probability_threshold and time from last update is smaller than max_dt
  • Object will be removed if existence_probability is smaller than remove_probability_threshold and time from last update is larger than max_dt


These parameter can be set in config/decorative_tracker_merger.param.yaml.

  remove_probability_threshold: 0.3
  publish_probability_threshold: 0.6
  default_lidar_existence_probability: 0.7
  default_radar_existence_probability: 0.6
  default_camera_existence_probability: 0.6
  decay_rate: 0.1
  max_dt: 1.0


topic name message type description
~input/main_object autoware_perception_msgs::TrackedObjects Dominant tracking objects. Output will be published with this dominant object stamps.
~input/sub_object autoware_perception_msgs::TrackedObjects Sub tracking objects.
output/object autoware_perception_msgs::TrackedObjects Merged tracking objects.
debug/interpolated_sub_object autoware_perception_msgs::TrackedObjects Interpolated sub tracking objects.

Default parameters are set in config/decorative_tracker_merger.param.yaml.

parameter name description default value
base_link_frame_id base link frame id. This is used to transform the tracking object. "base_link"
time_sync_threshold time sync threshold. If the time difference between two tracking objects is smaller than this value, we consider these two tracking objects are the same object. 0.05
sub_object_timeout_sec sub object timeout. If the sub object is not updated for this time, we consider this object is not exist. 0.5
main_sensor_type main sensor type. This is used to determine the dominant tracking object. "lidar"
sub_sensor_type sub sensor type. This is used to determine the sub tracking object. "radar"
tracker_state_parameter tracker state parameter. This is used to manage the tracklet.


As explained in tracklet management, this tracker merger tend to maintain the both input tracking objects.

If there are many false positive tracking objects,

  • decrease default_<sensor>_existence_probability of that sensor
  • increase decay_rate
  • increase publish_probability_threshold to publish only reliable tracking objects


This is future work.