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pointcloud based occupancy grid map#


Inner-workings / Algorithms#

1st step#

First of all, input obstacle/raw pointcloud are transformed into the polar coordinate centered around scan_origin and divided int circular bins per angle_increment respectively. At this time, each point belonging to each bin is stored as range data. In addition, the x,y information in the map coordinate is also stored for ray-tracing on the map coordinate. The bin contains the following information for each point

  • range data from origin of raytrace
  • x on map coordinate
  • y on map coordinate


The following figure shows each of the bins from side view. pointcloud_based_occupancy_grid_map_side_view

2nd step#

The ray trace is performed in three steps for each cell. The ray trace is done by Bresenham's line algorithm. Bresenham's line algorithm

  1. Initialize freespace to the farthest point of each bin.


  2. Fill in the unknown cells. Based on the assumption that UNKNOWN is behind the obstacle, the cells that are more than a distance margin from each obstacle point are filled with UNKNOWN


    There are three reasons for setting a distance margin.

    • It is unlikely that a point on the ground will be immediately behind an obstacle.
    • The obstacle point cloud is processed and may not match the raw pointcloud.
    • The input may be inaccurate and obstacle points may not be determined as obstacles.

    When the parameter grid_map_type is "OccupancyGridMapProjectiveBlindSpot" and the scan_origin is a sensor frame like velodyne_top for instance, for each obstacle pointcloud, if there are no visible raw pointclouds that are located above the projected ray from the scan_origin to that obstacle pointcloud, the cells between the obstacle pointcloud and the projected point are filled with UNKNOWN. Note that the scan_origin should not be base_link if this flag is true because otherwise all the cells behind the obstacle point clouds would be filled with UNKNOWN.


  3. Fill in the occupied cells. Fill in the point where the obstacle point is located with occupied. In addition, If the distance between obstacle points is less than or equal to the distance margin, that interval is filled with OCCUPIED because the input may be inaccurate and obstacle points may not be determined as obstacles.


3rd step#

Using the previous occupancy grid map, update the existence probability using a binary Bayesian filter (1). Also, the unobserved cells are time-decayed like the system noise of the Kalman filter (2).


Inputs / Outputs#


Name Type Description
~/input/obstacle_pointcloud sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 obstacle pointcloud
~/input/raw_pointcloud sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 The overall point cloud used to input the obstacle point cloud


Name Type Description
~/output/occupancy_grid_map nav_msgs::OccupancyGrid occupancy grid map

If you set downsample_input_pointcloud to true, the input pointcloud will be downsampled and following topics are also used.

  • pointcloud_based_occupancy_grid_map method
# downsampled raw and obstacle pointcloud


Node Parameters#

Name Type Description
map_frame string map frame
base_link_frame string base_link frame
use_height_filter bool whether to height filter for ~/input/obstacle_pointcloud and ~/input/raw_pointcloud? By default, the height is set to -1~2m.
map_length double The length of the map. -100 if it is 50~50[m]
map_resolution double The map cell resolution [m]
grid_map_type string The type of grid map for estimating UNKNOWN region behind obstacle point clouds
scan_origin string The origin of the scan. It should be a sensor frame.
pub_debug_grid bool Whether to publish debug grid maps
downsample_input_pointcloud bool Whether to downsample the input pointclouds. The downsampled pointclouds are used for the ray tracing.
downsample_voxel_size double The voxel size for the downsampled pointclouds.

Assumptions / Known limits#

In several places we have modified the external code written in BSD3 license.

  • occupancy_grid_map.hpp
  • cost_value.hpp
  • occupancy_grid_map.cpp

(Optional) Error detection and handling#

(Optional) Performance characterization#

(Optional) Future extensions / Unimplemented parts#

  • The update probability of the binary Bayesian filter is currently hard-coded and requires a code change to be modified.
  • Since there is no special support for moving objects, the probability of existence is not increased for fast objects.

How to debug#

If grid_map_type is "OccupancyGridMapProjectiveBlindSpot" and pub_debug_grid is true, it is possible to check the each process of grid map generation by running

ros2 launch autoware_probabilistic_occupancy_grid_map debug.launch.xml

and visualizing the following occupancy grid map topics (which are listed in config/grid_map_param.yaml):

  • /perception/occupancy_grid_map/grid_1st_step: FREE cells are filled
  • /perception/occupancy_grid_map/grid_2nd_step: UNKNOWN cells are filled
  • /perception/occupancy_grid_map/grid_3rd_step: OCCUPIED cells are filled