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This plugin allows publishing and controlling the simulated ROS time.


Name Type Description
/clock rosgraph_msgs::msg::Clock the current simulated time

How to use the plugin#

  1. Launch planning simulator with use_sim_time:=true.

    ros2 launch autoware_launch planning_simulator.launch.xml map_path:=$HOME/autoware_map/sample-map-planning vehicle_model:=sample_vehicle sensor_model:=sample_sensor_kit use_sim_time:=true

    Warning If you launch the planning simulator without adding the tier4_simulated_clock_rviz_plugin, your simulation will not be running. You'll not even be able to place the initial and the goal poses.

  2. Start rviz and select panels/Add new panel.


  3. Select tier4_clock_rviz_plugin/SimulatedClock and press OK.


  4. Use the added panel to control how the simulated clock is published.


    1. Pause button: pause/resume the clock.
    2. Speed: speed of the clock relative to the system clock.
    3. Rate: publishing rate of the clock.
    4. Step button: advance the clock by the specified time step.
    5. Time step: value used to advance the clock when pressing the step button d).
    6. Time unit: time unit associated with the value from e).

    Warning If you set the time step too large, your simulation will go haywire.