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Control data collecting tool#

This package provides tools for automatically collecting data using pure pursuit control within a specified rectangular area.


  • This package aims to collect a dataset consisting of control inputs (i.e. control_cmd) and observation variables (i.e. kinematic_state, steering_status, etc).
  • The collected dataset can be used as training dataset for learning-based controllers, including smart_mpc.
  • Data collecting approach is as follows:

    • Following the trajectory using a pure pursuit control law.
    • Adding noises to the trajectory and the control command for data diversity, improving the prediction accuracy of learning model.
    • Setting the trajectory from the following types of trajectories ( [eight_course, u_shaped_return, straight_line_positive, straight_line_negative, reversal_loop_circle, along_road] ).

      • COURSE_NAME: eight_course

      • COURSE_NAME: u_shaped_return

      • COURSE_NAME: straight_line_positive or COURSE_NAME: straight_line_negative

        ( Both "straight_line_positive" and "straight_line_negative" represent straight line courses, but the direction of travel of the course is reversed.)

      • COURSE_NAME: reversal_loop_circle

        Drive within a circle while adding trajectories and collect data.

      • COURSE_NAME: along_road

        Generate trajectories along the road. This is particularly useful when drawing long straight paths along the road.

        In this course, data collection is conducted only on long straight trajectories, while constant velocity, velocity_on_curve, is maintained when driving on sections that include curves.

        The minimum length of these long straight trajectories can be specified using the parameter minimum_length_of_straight_line (These two parameters velocity_on_curve and minimum_length_of_straight_line can be configured in ./config/course_param/along_road_param.yaml).

How to Use#

  1. Launch Autoware.

    ros2 launch autoware_launch planning_simulator.launch.xml map_path:=$HOME/autoware_map/sample-map-planning vehicle_model:=sample_vehicle sensor_model:=sample_sensor_kit
  2. Set an initial pose, see here.

  3. Add the DataCollectingAreaSelectionTool and DataCollectingGoalPlugin RViz plugins by clicking the "+" icon at the top of the RViz window.

  4. Launch control_data_collecting_tool.

    ros2 launch control_data_collecting_tool map_path:=$HOME/autoware_map/sample-map-planning

    - If you use the along_road course, please specify the same map for map_path as the one used when launching Autoware. map_path is not necessary when using courses other than along_road.

    - Control data collecting tool automatically records topics included in config/topics.yaml when the above command is executed. Topics will be saved in rosbag2 format in the current directory.

    - The data from /localization/kinematic_state and /localization/acceleration located in the directory (rosbag2 format) where the command is executed will be automatically loaded and reflected in the data count for these topics. (If LOAD_ROSBAG2_FILES in config/param.yaml is set to false, the data is not loaded.)

  5. Add visualization in rviz:

    - /data_collecting_area - Type: Polygon - /data_collecting_trajectory_marker_array - Type: MarkerArray - /data_collecting_lookahead_marker_array - Type: MarkerArray

  6. The following actions differ depending on the selected course. If you select the trajectory from [eight_course, u_shaped_return, straight_line_positive, straight_line_negative, reversal_loop_circle], proceed to 6.1. If you select the trajectory from [along_road], please proceed to 6.2.

    - 6.1 If you choose the trajectory from [eight_course, u_shaped_return, straight_line_positive, straight_line_negative, reversal_loop_circle], select DataCollectingAreaSelectionTool plugin.

    <img src="resource/DataCollectingAreaSelection.png" width="480">
    Highlight the data collecting area by dragging the mouse over it.
        <img src="resource/select_area.gif" width="480">
    > [!NOTE]
    > You cannot change the data collecting area while driving.

    - 6.2 If you choose the trajectory from [along_road], select DataCollectingGoalPose plugin.

      <img src="resource/DataCollectingGoalPose.png" width="480">
    By setting the pose of the goal point, a trajectory is generated on the map.
      <img src="resource/set_trajectory_along_road.gif" width="480">
    As soon as the trajectory is generated, the plot with the map and trajectory drawn on it will be created (please see the following picture).
    In the sections labeled `velocity = const (velocity_on_curve)` in the legend, the vehicle travels at a constant velocity of `velocity_on_curve`. In the sections labeled `Data collection is conducted`, data collection is performed.
      <img src="resource/along_load_plot.png" width="480">
    > [!NOTE]
    > You cannot change the goal pose while driving.
    > In cases where course generation fails, which can happen under certain conditions, please reposition the vehicle or redraw the goal pose.
  7. Click the LOCAL button on OperationMode in AutowareStatePanel.

    Then, data collecting starts.

  8. If you want to stop data collecting automatic driving, run the following command

    ros2 topic pub /data_collecting_stop_request std_msgs/msg/Bool "data: true" --once

    [!NOTE] When the car crosses the green boundary line, a similar stopping procedure will be automatically triggered.

  9. If you want to restart data collecting automatic driving, run the following command

    ros2 topic pub /data_collecting_stop_request std_msgs/msg/Bool "data: false" --once


There are parameters that are common to all trajectories and parameters that are specific to each trajectory.

Common Parameters#

ROS 2 parameters which are common in all trajectories (/config/common_param.yaml):

Name Type Description Default value
LOAD_ROSBAG2_FILES bool Flag that determines whether to load rosbag2 data or not true
COURSE_NAME string Course name [eight_course, u_shaped_return, straight_line_positive, straight_line_negative, reversal_loop_circle, along_road] reversal_loop_circle
NUM_BINS_V int Number of bins of velocity in heatmap 10
NUM_BINS_STEER int Number of bins of steer in heatmap 20
NUM_BINS_A int Number of bins of acceleration in heatmap 10
V_MIN double Minimum velocity in heatmap [m/s] 0.0
V_MAX double Maximum velocity in heatmap [m/s] 11.5
STEER_MIN double Minimum steer in heatmap [rad] -0.6
STEER_MAX double Maximum steer in heatmap [rad] 0.6
A_MIN double Minimum acceleration in heatmap [m/ss] -1.0
A_MAX double Maximum acceleration in heatmap [m/ss] 1.0
max_lateral_accel double Max lateral acceleration limit [m/ss] 2.00
lateral_error_threshold double Lateral error threshold where applying velocity limit [m/s] 1.50
yaw_error_threshold double Yaw error threshold where applying velocity limit [rad] 0.75
velocity_limit_by_tracking_error double Velocity limit applied when tracking error exceeds threshold [m/s] 1.0
mov_ave_window int Moving average smoothing window size 50
target_longitudinal_velocity double Target longitudinal velocity [m/s] 6.0
pure_pursuit_type string Pure pursuit type (naive or linearized steer control law ) linearized
wheel_base double Wheel base [m] 2.79
acc_kp double Accel command proportional gain 1.0
lookahead_time double Pure pursuit lookahead time [s] 2.0
min_lookahead double Pure pursuit minimum lookahead length [m] 2.0
linearized_pure_pursuit_steer_kp_param double Linearized pure pursuit steering P gain parameter 2.0
linearized_pure_pursuit_steer_kd_param double Linearized pure pursuit steering D gain parameter 2.0
stop_acc double Accel command for stopping data collecting driving [m/ss] -2.0
stop_jerk_lim double Jerk limit for stopping data collecting driving [m/sss] 5.0
lon_acc_lim double Longitudinal acceleration limit [m/ss] 1.5
lon_jerk_lim double Longitudinal jerk limit [m/sss] 0.5
steer_lim double Steering angle limit [rad] 0.6
steer_rate_lim double Steering angle rate limit [rad/s] 0.6

The following parameters are common to all trajectories but can be defined individually for each trajectory. (/config/course_param/COURSE_NAME_param.yaml): | Name | Type | Description | Default value | | :--------------------------------------- | :------- | :-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | :------------- | | COLLECTING_DATA_V_MIN | double | Minimum velocity for data collection [m/s] | 0.5 | | COLLECTING_DATA_V_MAX | double | Maximum velocity for data collection [m/s] | 8.0 | | COLLECTING_DATA_A_MIN | double | Minimum velocity for data collection [m/ss] | 1.0 | | COLLECTING_DATA_A_MAX | double | Maximum velocity for data collection [m/ss] | -1.0 | | longitudinal_velocity_noise_amp | double | Target longitudinal velocity additional sine noise amplitude [m/s] | 0.01 | | longitudinal_velocity_noise_min_period | double | Target longitudinal velocity additional sine noise minimum period [s] | 5.0 | | longitudinal_velocity_noise_max_period | double | Target longitudinal velocity additional sine noise maximum period [s] | 20.0 | | acc_noise_amp | double | Accel command additional sine noise amplitude [m/ss] | 0.01 | | acc_noise_min_period | double | Accel command additional sine noise minimum period [s] | 5.0 | | acc_noise_max_period | double | Accel command additional sine noise maximum period [s] | 20.0 | | steer_noise_amp | double | Steer command additional sine noise amplitude [rad] | 0.01 | | steer_noise_max_period | double | Steer command additional sine noise maximum period [s] | 5.0 | | steer_noise_min_period | double | Steer command additional sine noise minimum period [s] | 20.0 |

Course-Specific Parameters#

Each trajectory has specific ROS 2 parameters.

  • COURSE_NAME: eight_course
Name Type Description Default value
velocity_on_curve double Constant velocity on curve [m/s] 4.5
smoothing_window double Width of the window for trajectory smoothing 400
  • COURSE_NAME: u_shaped_return
Name Type Description Default value
velocity_on_curve double Constant velocity on curve [m/s] 4.5
  • COURSE_NAME: straight_line_positive or COURSE_NAME: straight_line_negative
Name Type Description Default value
stopping_buffer_distance double The safety distance from end of the straight line [m] 10.0
  • COURSE_NAME: reversal_loop_circle
Name Type Description Default value
trajectory_radius double Radius of the circle where trajectories are generated [m] 35.0
enclosing_radius double Radius of the circle enclosing the generated trajectories [m] 40.0
look_ahead_distance double The distance referenced ahead of the vehicle for collecting steering angle data [m] 15.0
  • COURSE_NAME: along_road
Name Type Description Default value
velocity_on_curve double Constant velocity on curve [m/s] 3.5
stopping_buffer_distance double The safety distance from end of the straight line [m] 15.0
course_width double The width of the trajectory [m] 1.5
smoothing_window double Width of the window for trajectory smoothing 100
minimum_length_of_straight_line double The minimum length of straight line for data collection [m] 50.0
longitude double The longitude of the origin specified when loading the map [degree] 139.6503
latitude double The latitude of the origin specified when loading the map [degree] 35.6762