Perception Launch Files#
The Autoware perception stacks start
launching at autoware_launch.xml
as we mentioned at Launch Autoware page.
The autoware_launch
package includes tier4_perception_component.launch.xml
for starting perception launch files invocation from autoware_launch.xml
This diagram describes some of the Autoware perception launch files flow at autoware_launch
and autoware_universe
The Autoware project is a large project. Therefore, as we manage the Autoware project, we utilize specific arguments in the launch files. ROS 2 offers an argument-overriding feature for these launch files. Please refer to the official ROS 2 launch documentation for further information. For instance, if we define an argument at the top-level launch, it will override the value on lower-level launches.
The tier4_perception_component.launch.xml
launch file is the main perception component launch at the autoware_launch
This launch file calls perception.launch.xml
at tier4_perception_launch package from autoware_universe
We can modify perception launch arguments at tier4_perception_component.launch.xml.
we can add any other necessary arguments
that we want
to change it since tier4_perception_component.launch.xml
is the top-level launch file of other perception launch files.
Here are some predefined perception launch arguments:
This argument determines the occupancy grid map method for perception stack. Please check probabilistic_occupancy_grid_map package for detailed information. The default probabilistic occupancy grid map method ispointcloud_based_occupancy_grid_map
. If you want to change it to thelaserscan_based_occupancy_grid_map
, you can change it here:- <arg name="occupancy_grid_map_method" default="pointcloud_based_occupancy_grid_map" description="options: pointcloud_based_occupancy_grid_map, laserscan_based_occupancy_grid_map"/> + <arg name="occupancy_grid_map_method" default="laserscan_based_occupancy_grid_map" description="options: pointcloud_based_occupancy_grid_map, laserscan_based_occupancy_grid_map"/>
This argument determines the filter method for detected objects. Please check detected_object_validation package for detailed information about lanelet and position filter. The default detected object filter method islanelet_filter
. If you want to change it to theposition_filter
, you can change it here:- <arg name="detected_objects_filter_method" default="lanelet_filter" description="options: lanelet_filter, position_filter"/> + <arg name="detected_objects_filter_method" default="position_filter" description="options: lanelet_filter, position_filter"/>
This argument determines the validation method for detected objects. Please check detected_object_validation package for detailed information about validation methods. The default detected object filter method isobstacle_pointcloud
. If you want to change it to theoccupancy_grid
, you can change it here, but remember it requireslaserscan_based_occupancy_grid_map
method asoccupancy_grid_map_method
:- <arg name="occupancy_grid_map_method" default="pointcloud_based_occupancy_grid_map" description="options: pointcloud_based_occupancy_grid_map, laserscan_based_occupancy_grid_map"/> + <arg name="occupancy_grid_map_method" default="laserscan_based_occupancy_grid_map" description="options: pointcloud_based_occupancy_grid_map, laserscan_based_occupancy_grid_map"/> <arg name="detected_objects_validation_method" - default="obstacle_pointcloud" + default="occupancy_grid" description="options: obstacle_pointcloud, occupancy_grid (occupancy_grid_map_method must be laserscan_based_occupancy_grid_map)" />
You can also use this arguments as command line arguments:
ros2 launch autoware_launch autoware.launch.xml ... detected_objects_filter_method:=lanelet_filter occupancy_grid_map_method:=laserscan_based_occupancy_grid_map ...
The predefined tier4_perception_component.launch.xml
arguments explained above,
but there is the lot of perception arguments
included in perception.launch.xml
launch file at tier4_perception_launch.
Since we didn't fork autoware_universe
we can add the necessary launch argument to tier4_perception_component.launch.xml file.
Please follow the guidelines for some examples.
The perception.launch.xml
launch file is the main perception launch at the autoware_universe
This launch file calls necessary perception launch files
as we mentioned Autoware perception launch flow diagram
The top-level launch file of perception.launch.xml
is tier4_perception_component.launch.xml
so if we want to change anything on perception.launch.xml
we will apply these changes tier4_perception_component.launch.xml
instead of perception.launch.xml
Here are some example changes for the perception pipeline:
This parameter determines the remove unknown objects at camera-lidar fusion. Please check roi_cluster_fusion node for detailed information. The default value istrue
. If you want to change it to thefalse
, you can add this argument totier4_perception_component.launch.xml
, so it will override theperception.launch.xml
:+ <arg name="remove_unknown" default="false"/>
camera topics:
If you are using camera-lidar fusion or camera-lidar-radar fusion as a perception_mode, you can add your camera and info topics ontier4_perception_component.launch.xml
as well, it will override theperception.launch.xml
launch file arguments:+ <arg name="image_raw0" default="/sensing/camera/camera0/image_rect_color" description="image raw topic name"/> + <arg name="camera_info0" default="/sensing/camera/camera0/camera_info" description="camera info topic name"/> + <arg name="detection_rois0" default="/perception/object_recognition/detection/rois0" description="detection rois output topic name"/> ...
You can add every necessary argument
to tier4_perception_component.launch.xml
launch file like these examples.