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This page provides specific specifications about the Interface of the Planning Component. Please refer to the planning architecture design document for high-level concepts and data flow.

TODO: The detailed definitions (meanings of elements included in each topic) are not described yet, need to be updated.



From Map Component#

Name Topic Type Description
Vector Map /map/vector_map autoware_auto_mapping_msgs/msg/HADMapBin Map of the environment where the planning takes place.

From Localization Component#

Name Topic Type Description
Vehicle Kinematic State /localization/kinematic_state nav_msgs/msg/Odometry Current position, orientation and velocity of ego.
Vehicle Acceleration /localization/acceleration geometry_msgs/msg/AccelWithCovarianceStamped Current acceleration of ego.

TODO: acceleration information should be merged into the kinematic state.

From Perception Component#

Name Topic Type Description
Objects /perception/object_recognition/objects autoware_auto_perception_msgs/msg/PredictedObjects Set of perceived objects around ego that need to be avoided or followed when planning a trajectory. This contains semantics information such as a object class (e.g. vehicle, pedestrian, etc) or a shape of the objects.
Obstacles /perception/obstacle_segmentation/pointcloud sensor_msgs/msg/PointCloud2 Set of perceived obstacles around ego that need to be avoided or followed when planning a trajectory. This only contains a primitive information of the obstacle. No shape nor velocity information.
Occupancy Grid Map /perception/occupancy_grid_map/map nav_msgs/msg/OccupancyGrid Contains the presence of obstacles and blind spot information (represented as UNKNOWN).
Traffic Signal /perception/traffic_light_recognition/traffic_signals autoware_auto_perception_msgs/msg/TrafficSignalArray Contains the traffic signal information such as a color (green, yellow, read) and an arrow (right, left, straight).

TODO: The type of the Obstacles information should not depend on the specific sensor message type (now PointCloud). It needs to be fixed.

From API#

Name Topic Type Description
Max Velocity /planning/scenario_planning/max_velocity_default autoware_adapi_v1_msgs/srv/SetRoutePoints Indicate the maximum value of the vehicle speed plan
Operation Mode /system/operation_mode/state autoware_adapi_v1_msgs/msg/OperationModeState Indicates the current operation mode (automatic/manual, etc.).
Route Set /planning/mission_planning/set_route autoware_adapi_v1_msgs/srv/SetRoute Indicates to set the route when the vehicle is stopped.
Route Points Set /planning/mission_planning/set_route_points autoware_adapi_v1_msgs/srv/SetRoutePoints Indicates to set the route with points when the vehicle is stopped.
Route Change /planning/mission_planning/change_route autoware_adapi_v1_msgs/srv/SetRoute Indicates to change the route when the vehicle is moving.
Route Points Change /planning/mission_planning/change_route_points autoware_adapi_v1_msgs/srv/SetRoutePoints Indicates to change the route with points when the vehicle is moving.
Route Clear /planning/mission_planning/clear_route autoware_adapi_v1_msgs/srv/ClearRoute Indicates to clear the route information.
MRM Route Set Points /planning/mission_planning/mission_planner/srv/set_mrm_route autoware_adapi_v1_msgs/srv/SetRoutePoints Indicates to set the emergency route.
MRM Route Clear /planning/mission_planning/mission_planner/srv/clear_mrm_route autoware_adapi_v1_msgs/srv/SetRoutePoints Indicates to clear the emergency route.



To Control#

Name Topic Type Description
Trajectory /planning/trajectory autoware_auto_planning_msgs/msg/Trajectory A sequence of space and velocity and acceleration points to be followed by the controller.
Turn Indicator /planning/turn_indicators_cmd autoware_auto_vehicle_msgs/msg/TurnIndicatorsCommand Turn indicator signal to be followed by the vehicle.
Hazard Light /planning/hazard_lights_cmd autoware_auto_vehicle_msgs/msg/HazardLightsCommand Hazard light signal to be followed by the vehicle.

To System#

Name Topic Type Description
Diagnostics /planning/hazard_lights_cmd diagnostic_msgs/msg/DiagnosticArray Diagnostic status of the Planning component reported to the System component.


Name Topic Type Description
Path Candidate /planning/path_candidate/* autoware_auto_planning_msgs/msg/Path The path Autoware is about to take. Users can interrupt the operation based on the path candidate information.
Steering Factor /planning/steering_factor/* autoware_adapi_v1_msgs/msg/SteeringFactorArray Information about the steering maneuvers performed by Autoware (e.g., steering to the right for a right turn, etc.)
Velocity Factor /planning/velocity_factors/* autoware_adapi_v1_msgs/msg/VelocityFactorArray Information about the velocity maneuvers performed by Autoware (e.g., stop for an obstacle, etc.)

Planning internal interface#

This section explains the communication between the different planning modules shown in the Planning Architecture Design.


From Mission Planning to Scenario Planning#

Name Topic Type Description
Route /planning/mission_planning/route autoware_planning_msgs/msg/LaneletRoute A sequence of lane IDs on a Lanelet map, from the starting point to the destination.

From Behavior Planning to Motion Planning#

Name Topic Type Description
Path /planning/scenario_planning/lane_driving/behavior_planning/path autoware_auto_planning_msgs/msg/Path A sequence of approximate vehicle positions for driving, along with information on the maximum speed and the drivable areas. Modules receiving this message are expected to make changes to the path within the constraints of the drivable areas and the maximum speed, generating the desired final trajectory.

From Scenario Planning to Validation#

Name Topic Type Description
Trajectory /planning/scenario_planning/trajectory autoware_auto_planning_msgs/msg/Trajectory A sequence of precise vehicle positions, speeds, and accelerations required for driving. It is expected that the vehicle will follow this trajectory.