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Performance Troubleshooting#

Overall symptoms:

  • Autoware is running slower than expected
  • Messages show up late in RViz2
  • Point clouds are lagging
  • Camera images are lagging behind
  • Point clouds or markers flicker on RViz2
  • When multiple subscribers use the same publishers, the message rate drops

Diagnostic Steps#

Check if multicast is enabled#

Target symptoms#

  • When multiple subscribers use the same publishers, the message rate drops


Make sure that the multicast is enabled for your interface.

For example when you run following:

source /opt/ros/humble/setup.bash
ros2 run demo_nodes_cpp talker

If you get the error message selected interface "{your-interface-name}" is not multicast-capable: disabling multicast, this should be fixed.


Follow DDS settings for ROS 2 and Autoware

Especially the Enable multicast on lo section.

Check the compilation flags#

Target symptoms#

  • Autoware is running slower than expected
  • Point clouds are lagging
  • When multiple subscribers use the same publishers, the message rate drops even further


Check the ~/.bash_history file to see if there are any colcon build directives without -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release or -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo flags at all.

Even if a build starts with these flags but same workspace gets compiled without these flags, it will still be a slow build in the end.

In addition, the nodes will run slow in general, especially the pointcloud_preprocessor nodes.

Example issue: issue2597


  • Remove the build, install and optionally log folders in the main autoware folder.
  • Compile the Autoware with either Release or RelWithDebInfo tags:

    colcon build --symlink-install --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
    # Or build with debug flags too (comparable performance but you can debug too)
    colcon build --symlink-install --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo

Check the DDS settings#

Target symptoms#

  • Autoware is running slower than expected
  • Messages show up late in RViz2
  • Point clouds are lagging
  • Camera images are lagging behind
  • When multiple subscribers use the same publishers, the message rate drops

Check the RMW (ROS Middleware) implementation#


Run following to check the middleware used:


The return line should be rmw_cyclonedds_cpp. If not, apply the solution.

If you are using a different DDS middleware, we might not have official support for it just yet.


Add export RMW_IMPLEMENTATION=rmw_cyclonedds_cpp as a separate line in you ~/.bashrc file.

More details in: CycloneDDS Configuration

Check if the CycloneDDS is configured correctly#


Run following to check the configuration .xml file of the CycloneDDS:


The return line should be a valid path pointing to an .xml file with CycloneDDS configuration.

Also check if the file is configured correctly:

cat ${CYCLONEDDS_URI#file://}

This should print the .xml file on the terminal.


Follow CycloneDDS Configuration and make sure:

  • you have export CYCLONEDDS_URI=file:///absolute_path_to_your/cyclonedds.xml as a line on your ~/.bashrc file.
  • you have the cyclonedds.xml with the configuration provided in the documentation.

Check the Linux kernel maximum buffer size#


Validate the sysctl settings


Tune system-wide network settings

Check if localhost only communication for DDS is enabled#

  • If you are using multi computer setup, please skip this check.
  • Enabling localhost only communication for DDS can help improve the performance of ROS by reducing network traffic and avoiding potential conflicts with other devices on the network.

Target symptoms#

  • You see topics that shouldn't exist
  • You see point clouds that don't belong to your machine
    • They might be from another computer running ROS 2 on your network
  • Point clouds or markers flicker on RViz2
    • Another publisher (on another machine) may be publishing on the same topic as your node does.
    • Causing the flickering.



cat ${CYCLONEDDS_URI#file://}

And it should return DDS settings for ROS 2 and Autoware: CycloneDDS Configuration this file.


Follow DDS settings for ROS 2 and Autoware: Enable localhost-only communication.

Also make sure the following returns an empty line: